Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Trick Jam - May 29 - Eindhoven

As you might know, this will be the second Trick Jam we're organizing. And it definitely won't be the last one.
Because we want to ride in every city with every kind of biker, so no matter if you're a FGFSer, fixed gear racer, BMXer, Thrashbiker, we want you to invite us.
That means you will show us your favorite local spots, and we'll ride them together with you.
In April we did Arnhem, in May we'll ride Eindhoven, so which city will be next? Amsterdam? Rotterdam? Deventer? Please let us know! For us it's a chance to ride all kinds of different spots, for you it's a chance to ride with different people, because we might see different lines or possibilities on spots you might have over looked all those years.
So even if youré the only trickster in your hometown, we don't care, we wanna ride your spots too!

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