Saturday, June 4, 2011

Middenberm Trails

The boys from DMR Bikes (Olly Wilkins,Sam Reynolds, Ray and Blake Samson) came over to the Land of the Dutch. They were invited for the This is Trash Jam in The Hague. A jam with street, park and dirt. The guys arrived on friday, so we ourselfs headed over to the trails early to get the last humps and bumps out of the trail before they came. We also just build a new booter jump to get some good tricks down on. Well I`m happy to say that the guys loved the jump. They were just happy to see that there were some descent trails, cause they thought there were`nt that much trails in Holland. Shorlty after arriving the guys were quickly getting some nice tricks down on the booter jump.

Sunday was the day of the Jam. Me and my mate`s headed over to the trails to get everything ready before everybody of the jam came over. All day long people were coming more and more, and it was getting more and more crowded on the trails. It took a little while before all the DMR guys were there, but when they did, it went crazy! Frontflips, flipwhips, double whips, superflips, no handed flips and so on.....

Monday was the day of their departure. They still had to get some more pictures for MBUK and wanted to ride the trails a little more. First they helped out with patching up the trails because of all the damage of the Jam. Thanks for that one boys! After that we had a nice session and I shot some footage in 50fps. To bad they had to leave early, but they had to catch the ferry to cross the pond. We kept on sessioning a bit and later on Roy came and pretty much killed it. He finished of with a nothing can to oppo can, and we closed it down right there.

All in all, was great having them over and were good times on the berm in the middle!!

For the rest just check out the video!!!
Hope you enjoy it!



Day 1: Rusko - Cockney Thug
Day 2: Cky - Arto Saari & Geoff Rowley
Day 3: Brian Smits - Orientaflex
Never heard of the "Middenberm Trails" untill Wouter from Brainwash told me about them and showed me this video.
Impressive trails, and even more impressive riding!

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