Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Let's see how long this blog exists...

First I wasn't planning to write this shit, but I couldn't help myself...
I got a growing suspicion somebody is busy with a hate campaign against this blog. First the old blog gets a warning for sexual content, next it gets shut down.
I tried to get the old blog re-opened, but without any luck.
So yesterday I finally had the time to start a new blog etc. But when I tried to open a votske.[...].com at several web hosts, i found out that they all were reserved. And not by me.
To play things safe, I won't post any nudity anymore, I got my "It's a Hipster Bloodbath" blog for that now.
But I'm still curious if "the haters" are going to try to shut this blog down too.
Most likely they're gonna read this too, so if you are, be so brave to put something in the comments.

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