Monday, May 23, 2011

12th Needle Art Tattoo Convention - 21 & 22 May III

Yesterday I went to the Breda Tattoo Convention and had loads of fun!
I did see some amazing tattooing, met really nice people, entered the "Best Color Small" contest but didn't win.
Some advice, think twice about getting tattooed at a convention; it's noisy, it's crowded, people are watching you suffer from half a meter distance, it's hot, it's humid.
But thank god I only had to get a 1,5 hour touch up session for my Daniel Day-Lewis / Bill the Butcher portrait done by Patrick Mcfarlane. It already was amazing, but after the touch up session, it turned into a jaw dropper. I will post pics as soon as it healed properly.
The rest of the day was filled with fun, making Jeff look like he pissed his pants (see pic above), me being the sales person for Paradigm Bodyart, drinking beer, showing Cas where all the good looking ladies were located and some more socializing.
I saw some great tattooing going on, more pics after the break!

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